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Unlock Your Career Potential & Transform Your Professional Life

Career Coaching


Your Strategic Career Coach
at Actionable

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”
– Steve Jobs

Career Coaching

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing career landscape, strategically navigating your professional journey and unlocking your full potential is more crucial than ever. As a seasoned executive, certified career coach, and bestselling author with an extensive track record of helping professionals excel, I leverage my expertise to create personalized strategies that catapult your career to new heights, empowering you to achieve the success, fulfillment, and compensation you deserve.

Why you need a Career Coach

Is your reward for great work simply more work, with no recognition or promotion in sight? If you're feeling stuck in your career, wondering when your next advancement opportunity will come, it's time to take control of your professional journey and invest in your future.

Imagine this scenario: If your boss were to leave tomorrow, would you have a robust network of supporters both within and outside your organization, or would you be left starting from scratch?

Does your current position highlight your growth potential and value, or are you trapped in a role that doesn't reflect your true worth?

You owe it to yourself to discover the life-changing impact of career coaching. Seize this opportunity for a complimentary trial session and witness firsthand how our strategic guidance can propel your career to new heights. After experiencing the value of our approach, you can make an informed decision about investing $1,495 per year for private one-on-one sessions and unlimited text and email support with Ken, all dedicated to your professional growth. We're confident that this will be one of the most profitable investments you've ever made. As part of my commitment to giving back, if you're not completely satisfied after your first paid session, I'll provide a 100% money-back guarantee.

Ken Gavranovic: Your Strategic Career Coach

Achieve Breakthrough Career Success Transform your career and reach your full professional potential with a strategic coaching approach designed to deliver tangible results. As a seasoned executive, certified coach, and bestselling author with a proven track record of helping professionals excel, I leverage my expertise to create personalized strategies that elevate your career to new heights.

Did you know that you'll spend over 90,000 hours of your life working? That's one-third of your lifetime! The question is, do you want your reward for excelling to be more work, or do you aspire to earn promotions and higher pay?

Just as you have a strategic plan for your life, you should have one for your career. Do you have a definitive plan and actionable strategies to get promoted and find fulfilling work? If your boss was fired tomorrow, where would you stand? Are you recognized as a high-value contributor by people outside of your direct working relationships?

With over three decades of experience managing thousands of people and achieving rapid promotions myself, I know firsthand that there is a strategy for career success – and it's time you invested in yours. Take control of where you want your career to go, instead of letting it happen to you.

About Ken Gavranovic

Corporate Growth Architect / Scaled from $0 to $500M, Led 1 IPO / Directed 35 M&As & 18 Exits / Ex-CEO/Founder, EVP & GM New Relic, VP Cox / Strategy & Peak Performance Expert / ICF & CEC Certified Executive Coach / Speaker / Board Member

Why Choose Ken Gavranovic for Career Coaching?

Proven Leadership

With extensive experience as a CEO and executive, I possess the insights necessary to guide you through complex career challenges and opportunities.

Certified Expertise

I am a certified coach with credentials from renowned institutions, enhancing my ability to provide professional career guidance.

Bestselling Author

My published works on leadership and success have been recognized as bestsellers, reflecting my deep understanding of career development.

Holistic Approach

I consider the interconnectedness of your professional and personal life, ensuring a balanced approach to career success.

Data-Driven Results

Research shows that career coaching leads to an 88% increase in job performance and significant improvements in job satisfaction and earning potential.

As Seen On Media

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Start Transforming Your Career Today

Invest in Your Success: For just $1,495 per year, you'll receive focused 1-on-1 sessions with Ken to refine your career plan, along with real-time access via email or text for the opportunities and challenges that arise. I have worked with clients who, in the following year, increased their salary by over $20,000, which will only continue to grow, leading to an over 70x return on investment.

Free Coaching Session: Experience the power of career coaching firsthand with a complimentary, no-obligation coaching session. We'll dive into your career goals, answer your questions, and show you how coaching can transform your professional life.

Core Career Coaching Focus Areas

Career Advancement

Elevate your professional trajectory with coaching that prepares you for promotions, leadership roles, and new opportunities.

Job Search Strategies

Optimize your job search efforts with tailored guidance on resume writing, networking, interviewing, LinkedIn Optimization and personal branding.

Leadership Development

Enhance your leadership skills and executive presence to effectively manage teams, drive results, and advance your career.

Career Transitions

Navigate career changes and pivots with clarity, confidence, and a strategic plan for success.

Salary Negotiation

Master the art of negotiation to secure competitive compensation and benefits that align with your value and market trends.

Whether you’re just starting your career or managing the back end of it, I’m here to help you get promoted and paid what you’re worth. Let me guide you in developing a winning career strategy that sets you up for long-term success and fulfillment.

What Clients Say About Ken's Career Coaching

Offsite Retreat Facilitation

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Ready to Unlock Your Career Potential?

Invest in your career success today and start your journey towards the professional life you've always dreamed of. Together, we'll create a tailored strategy that positions you for rapid advancement, increased earning potential, and unparalleled job satisfaction.

Not ready for a call yet?

Download the FREE eBook

Unlocking Your Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Transformative Career Coaching
Gain access to proven strategies and insights to maximize your career success.

Companies Ken Has Worked With:​

Book Your Free Coaching Session Now

Unlock Your Career Potential

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do."Steve Jobs


Book your free coaching session now and take the first step towards transforming your career, and taking control of your professional destiny.

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Unlocking Your Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Transformative Career Coaching

Unlocking Your Potential! Gain access to proven strategies and insights to maximize your career success. Download your complimentary copy now and start your journey to unlocking your full professional potential.

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