Delivers A Five-Step Process That Fuels Engagement, Boosts Agility, And Drives Lasting Change

Business Breakthrough 3.0

“Working with hundreds of leaders worldwide has led us to develop a highly effective business improvement strategy that we’ve seen succeed time and time again. Our method allows you to break free of your old way of doing business, putting your most valuable data to work to restructure your company, knock down silos, and grow a thriving, successful organization,” write Ken and his co-author, Lee Atchison, in their new book, BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH 3.0.

Drawing on their combined 60 years of business and technology experience, Ken and Lee provide a step-by-step process for clarifying how a company operates, while uncovering the entrenched patterns that are holding it back. Their approach uses data to identify what’s working and what’s not, and leverages the universal motivational drivers embedded in all people.

By utilizing the BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH 3.0 method, companies will foster employee engagement, while injecting sustainability and cultural longevity into the very fabric of their organizations. The methodology is composed of five integrated parts:

  • Mission, Vision, And Core Values – Many companies have mission, vision, and value statements that are rarely mentioned — or that cause snickers when they are —because they are so different from what the company truly is. To be effective these statements must represent the true soul of the company. They can be partially aspirational as long as they express what the company actually values. Ken and Lee prove why these statements are so important and provide clear guidelines for creating effective ones.
  • Critical Thinking Frameworks: The Power of OKRs – Based on years of experience, the authors recommend the OKR (objectives and key results) framework.OKRs can help any organization enforce a systematic, disciplined process that makes sure employees are working together on the most important actions that will impact the organization,” they write. Ken and Lee not only provide in-depth instructions for developing OKRs, they also discuss which traps to avoid and how to get everyone in the organization onboard an OKR approach.
  • Measure What Matters – It is nearly impossible to operate a successful business without tracking its performance. The key is to measure what matters. In this section of BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH 3.0, the authors explain how choose the right metrics to track and how to analyze data to understand what’s working, what’s not, and what needs to be improved. This includes everything from revenue and cash flow to employee needs and customer demands.
  • Choose the Right Business Structure – Businesses must have the right organizational structure to succeed. The structure affects regular business operations as well as how the organization learns and improves, how systems are defined and created, how products are made or software applications are built—even how fast they are built. Ken and Lee not only provide an overview of different structures, but explain the pros and cons of each, and how to build the right one for your company.
  • Leverage a Market Growth Strategy for Sales Success – Sales and marketing are essential components of any profitable business. Ken and Lee discuss how the world of sales is constantly evolving, with new trends and methods emerging while others become obsolete. They then examine three different sales strategies – sales-led growth, marketing-led growth, and product-led growth – providing an in-depth look at each while showing how to choose the best approach for your business.


The ultimate tool kit for companies that want to thrive in today’s hyper-competitive, constantly changing business world. It’s filled with practical advice – supported by case studies, helpful charts, and simple diagrams – that you can put to work immediately.

Buy BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH 3.0 from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Business Breakthrough 3.0

BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH 3.0 offers practical insights to drive transformations and optimize agility. It is often overlooked how organizational structure affects decision-making speed and the ability to leverage talent – organizations may not realize that they get the outcomes they organize for.”

–Ed Smith, former CTO, Anthem; CTO/CIO Cox Automotive; CIO Equifax

“Few executives have this level of understanding and perspective in technology and technology-enabled business. Ken and Lee’s unique insights are rooted in a broad and deep base of leadership and technical experience and expertise.

—Phil Seskin, Advisor, Board Director, Former Head Strategy and Development for Verizon Communications

“In BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH 3.0, Ken and Lee offer practical insights based on their experience to drive transformations and optimize agility.”

—Ed Smith, Former CTO Anthem, CTO/CIO Cox Automotive, CIO Equalifax
