Transformation Is a Team Sport – And AI Is the Biggest Game Changer Yet

How AI is Transforming Businesses: A People, Process, and Technology Revolution

Anyone remember all the failed public cloud adoptions and digital transformations where people thought magic would happen just because they “went to the cloud”? Companies thought it was purely a technology problem, but what they forgot was the people and process side of the equation. Employees resisted. They didn’t understand it. I literally flew around the world telling companies and their teams how to have a successful transformation, and here’s what I’ve learned over the years: Transformation is a whole team sport.

It’s no different from what happened when I started (back when it was Interland) at the dawn of the Internet. Everyone was asking, “How’s the Internet going to impact me?” I remember pitching to a VC who asked, “Do you believe your own BS, kid?” when I said every business would run online one day. Well, guess what? They do now. If you thought the Internet or public cloud was transformative, buckle up. AI is going to change the game by magnitudes you can’t even imagine.

Here’s the thing: 80% of organizations are pushing for hyperautomation—automating every business process possible—but they’re missing one critical factor. They treat AI like a tech solution, but it’s really a people and process solution

. When teams aren’t part of the adoption process, they resist, and productivity barely moves. But when you bring everyone into the fold—when you make AI a whole team effort—that’s when you see the magic happen.

AI for Developers: A Massive Productivity Boost

Let me share some stats with you—ones I’ve seen firsthand while helping companies navigate this shift. One easy example: AI for developers. If developers resist AI, you get a 5% productivity boost. But if they embrace it? You’re looking at a whopping 30% boost

. Think about that for a minute. For every three employees, you practically get an extra one in terms of output. This is big. No, scratch that—this is massive.

AI Is a People, Process, and Technology Problem

But people go wrong when they think AI is just another technology tool. “Here’s the tool, developers. Problem solved.” Wrong! It’s not just a technology problem. It’s a people, process, and technology problem, bundled together. The key to AI success is in how you empower your people to use it

Breaking Down Silos for AI Adoption

One common mistake? Letting AI adoption sit in silos, with only the tech team handling it. That’s a recipe for failure. To succeed, you’ve got to break down those silos and make sure HR, marketing, operations, and IT are all collaborating on this transformation. Without that integration, you’re leaving potential on the table.

AI Doesn’t Replace Humans—It Amplifies Them

And remember, AI doesn’t replace humans—it amplifies them. AI can process data, but it can’t think like us. It doesn’t innovate or solve problems creatively. That’s why AI should be seen as a tool that augments human talent, not replaces it

As a leader, it’s your job to involve your team, explain the benefits, and provide the support they need. People want to understand how this will impact them. Without that understanding, they resist. And let’s be honest, who can blame them?

If you thought the Internet changed the world, just wait. AI is going to make that look like child’s play. So to all the leaders out there: bring your entire team on board. Build collaboration between your tech and non-tech teams. Empower your people. The businesses that get this right will be the ones that lead the future.


If you’re facing challenges in transforming your company with AI or unsure where to find the quick wins, let’s connect. I’m offering a free 45-minute call where I’ll share actionable insights based on what I’m seeing work in the field. Schedule your call here

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