Business Breakthrough 3.0 Available Now!

Business Breakthrough 3.0 has Arrived

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“BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH 3.0 offers practical insights to drive structure affects decision-making speed and the ability to leverage talent–transformations and optimize agility. It is often overlooked how organizational organizations may not realize that they get the outcomes they organize for.”

–Ed Smith, former CTO, Anthem; CTO/CIO Cox Automotive; CIO Equifax


In Their New Book, BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH 3.0, Experts Lee Atchison and Ken Gavranovic Help Companies Knock Down Silos, Fuel Engagement, And Drive Change At Start-Up Speed

“Working with hundreds of leaders worldwide has led us to develop a highly effective business improvement strategy that we’ve seen succeed time and time again. Our method allows you to break free of your old way of doing business, putting your most valuable data to work to restructure your company, knock down silos, fuel engagement, and drive change at start-up speed,” 

-Lee Atchison and Ken Gavranovic, authors of the new book BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH 3.0.”

Drawing on their combined 60 years of business and technology experience, Atchison and Gavranovic provide a step-by-step process for clarifying how a company operates. They uncover entrenched patterns holding it back and use data to identify what’s working and what’s not. They also leverage the motivational drivers embedded in all of us.

By using the BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH 3.0 method, companies will foster employee engagement and inject sustainability and cultural longevity into their organizations. The methodology is composed of five integrated parts:

Mission, Vision, And Core Values – Many companies have mission, vision, and value statements that are rarely mentioned or cause snickers because they differ from what the company truly is. To be effective, these statements must represent the true soul of the company. They can be partially aspirational as long as they express actual values. Atchison and Gavranovic show why these statements are important and provide guidelines for creating effective ones.

• Critical Thinking Frameworks: The Power of OKRs – Based on years of experience, the authors recommend the OKR (objectives and key results) framework. “OKRs can help any organization enforce a systematic, disciplined process ensuring employees work together on crucial actions impacting the organization,” they write. The authors provide in-depth instructions for developing OKRs and discuss traps to avoid and how to get everyone onboard with the OKR approach.

• Measure What Matters – It is nearly impossible to operate a successful business without tracking its performance. The key is measuring what matters. In Business Breakthrough 3.0 leaders learn how to identify and analyze the right metrics, so they know exactly what’s working, what’s not, and what needs improvement. This includes everything from revenue and cash flow to employee needs and customer demands.

Choose the Right Business Structure – Businesses must have the right organizational structure to succeed. The structure affects operations, learning, and improvements, and how systems and products are made or software applications are built—even how fast they are built. Atchison and Gavranovic provide an overview of different structures, discussing the pros and cons of each, so leaders can pinpoint the right one for their company.

Leverage a Market Growth Strategy for Sales Success

Sales and marketing are essential components of any profitable business. New trends and methods are constantly emerging, while others become obsolete. The authors examine top strategies – sales-led growth, marketing-led growth, and product-led growth. They provide an in-depth look at each and reveal how to implement the best approach for your business.

BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH 3.0 is the ultimate toolkit for companies wanting to thrive in today’s hyper-competitive, constantly changing business world. The authors’ practical advice – supported by case studies, helpful charts, and simple diagrams – can be put to work immediately. They explain, “the ultimate purpose of our book is to allow leaders to gain a deep awareness of how their companies operate and what’s blocking their success. With this knowledge, they can move forward and solve any problem confronting them.”  



Lee Atchison, co-author of BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH 3.0, is a software architect, author, speaker, and recognized thought leader on cloud computing and application modernization. At Amazon, he built the AWS Elastic Beanstalk and its first software download store, and led the retail website’s early migration to a service-based architecture. At New Relic, he grew the product architecture from startup stage to large enterprise SaaS. Often quoted in technology publications, Lee hosts the Modern Digital Business podcast and is the founder of Atchison Academy, offering online courses to help leaders manage modern digital businesses. Learn more at

Ken Gavranovic, co-author of BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH 3.0, is COO of Blameless and a board member and private equity advisor to several companies. In his 20s, Ken started Interland, now, growing it to $200M and leading its IPO. Since then, he has driven hyper-growth at unicorn businesses, gaining experience across various industries. At New Relic, he grew revenues to $500M. At Cox Automotive, he oversaw a $5B+ portfolio of brands, including AutoTrader and Kelly Blue Book. Recently, he has led several IPO and private equity exits generating up to ninety times ROI. These experiences have equipped him to guide businesses to scale in growth, transformation, and results. Learn more at

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